International Center

What is International Center (IC)?
The International Center provides services that are specifically catered for International students in IICS. This unit functions closely with the Faculties of each School, International Office (IO), Extra-Curricular Activities Unit (ECA), Counseling and Development Unit (CDU), and other departments to ensure our international students are equipped with the right knowledge and supports to settle confidently into the new college environment.
Among all the services, we offer guidance to students’ non-academic lives from simple requests to serious matters. Apart from that, we also organize a variety of intercultural events every semester to strengthen the international students’ adaptability and enhance their mutual understanding. More regularly, we engage with our international students during orientations and welcoming sessions, follow up closely with the faculties on students’ feedback and attendance reports, and provide assistance on leave applications. Furthermore, when special circumstances arise pertaining to the non-attending or non-achieving students, we provide personal support, advice and information with an aim to re-motivate them to complete their studies.
Our Services
Assistance on academic and personal issues.
Help International Students in transition and adjusting to campus life and culture,
International Student Leave application
International students’ welfare and grievance
Provide the necessary platform for international students to connect with the local Malaysian students through events and activities.
6. International Student Information Update
7. New Student Registration
Contact us
Block A, 2nd Floor, Student Services Department.
Working Hours: 9am - 6pm, Weekdays.
03-5623 2800