Taking Good Care of Yourself
Taking good care of yourself is paramount to the success of your life journey. You may find your physical, mental and emotional health are all connected and one is supporting the other.
Taking care of all the aspects of you will increase the likelihood that you stay well.
Strengthen Your Connection
Connect With Yourself
It is important that you check in with yourself periodically what’s going on with your thoughts and emotions.
It allows you to evaluate your well-being and progression.
Connect with others
Spending time with people who care for you whom you can talk to and receive support would help you to develop trust which can impact your mood, ease the stress and improve the way you feel overall.
Connect with Community
Think about the things you like to do and expand your social network to a bigger circle by looking into community/organization that brings people together who share the same interest.
It’s a great way to feel emotionally connected and find support in times of stress.
Build Your Authentic Connection through :​

Do you encounter the following scenarios?
I have more than 500 friends/followers in social media, but not all of them are my Real Friends.
He/She is my closest chat mate in social media, but we have never met in real life.
I feel comfortable sharing with my online friends about all of my life issues, but I am not really sure whether anyone of them will be there for me when I am going through a difficult period of my life.
Don't you think, social media forces upon us a feeling of intimacy and closeness that doesn’t actually exist.
You may consider them (and many, many others) to be friends, and are thankful that social media has brought them into your life, but is that what you want?
Spending considerable time building large networks of shallow connections in social media - getting to know more and more people, but know less and less about each of them? Or
Deepening a few cherished friendships upon which you can truly rely?
Create Joy & Satisfaction​

Taking care of your body mentally, emotionally, and physically is an important part of living to increase your good feelings.

Good feelings can boost your ability to deal with stress, to tackle issues and find solutions.
Ways to enjoy life and relax:
Do something you loved to do as a kid. Leisure activities offer a distraction from problems.
Do something you've always wanted to do. Bake a soufflé, learn to knit, go for hiking.
Watch or listen to comedy. Humor and good laughter strengthen body immune system, boost mood, reduce anxiety and protect body from damaging effects of stress.
Therapeutic massage, for you to feel less anxious.
A nature break. Nature calms our nerves and relieves mental fatigue.